Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, you will be able to cancel it directly from our website until it is shipped from our warehouse. This usually happens around 48 hours [does not include weekends & holidays, shipping will only begin only 1-2 days after you place your order. You cannot cancel it once it is shipped.

No, we do not provide refunds for any orders once they are shipped from our warehouse. However, you can exchange it within 7 days of receiving the product, with anything else available on our website, just get in touch with customer support email ID and we’ll work it out.

Yes, we ship nationwide orders all over India.

Yes, you can order multiple products at once. Simply add the products you wish to purchase to your shopping cart.
Your order will be dispatched within 1-2 business days of receiving the order. It may take a bit longer than usual in certain scenarios.
Yes, you need an account to place an order. You can either create an account by filling up your personal information or sign in if you have an existing account or with any partnered accounts.

You will get regular updates & tracking details via mail/text messages to let you know about the status of your order. Kindly always check your Junk/Spam folder as our mail might end up depending on your mailbox setting.

In case if you have any queries, please send us an email to our customer support email ID and our support executive will reach out and solve your queries and support you until you are fully satisfied.

We’re sad to hear that, we’re truly sorry if we’ve missed helping you out on time. All you must send us an email to our customer support email ID and we will do our best to provide support, resolve any issues you might have, and support you until you are fully satisfied.

Contact our customer support team immediately upon noticing the incorrect items.